If you think that a child is in immediate danger you should call: 999.
Raising a Concern
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Please tell us about your concern...
Useful Contacts
Name | Phone | |
Sue Fairbrother Head of Safeguarding |
01483 927559 | sff@cranleigh.org |
Dr Andrea Saxel CS Designated Safeguarding Lead |
07810 026050 | aps@cranleigh.org |
Mrs Emma Lewis CPS Designated Safeguarding Lead |
07810 007922 | efl@cranprep.org |
Useful School Links
Useful External Links
- CEOP Safety Centre Reporting a concern direct to the police
- Internet Matters Information about how to help children stay safe on social media
- Marie Collins Foundation Support for children abused online and their families
- NSPCC Every child is worth fighting for
- Childline Direct Advice for Children
- Young Minds Fighting for young people's mental health
- Surrey's Children's Single Point of Access (C-SPA) Surrey County Council's direct details